NFTs in trade finance: the next frontier or bad idea?

NFTs in trade finance: the next frontier or bad idea?

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have recently become the latest blockchain-based innovation to enter the lexicon, and are fast outstripping bitcoin in both hype and popularity. An NFT is a unique unit of data, or token, stored on the blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin, or even traditional money, such as a one pound coin, one ...

The post NFTs in trade finance: the next frontier or bad idea? appeared first on Global Trade Review (GTR).

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have recently become the latest blockchain-based innovation to enter the lexicon, and are fast outstripping bitcoin in both hype and popularity. An NFT is a unique unit of data, or token, stored on the blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin, or even traditional money, such as a one pound coin, one ...