Under Saudi Arabia’s Chairmanship, G20 Member States’ Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors Hold Extraordinary Meeting 3 Riyadh

Under Saudi Arabia’s Chairmanship, G20 Member States’ Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors Hold Extraordinary Meeting 3 Riyadh

Under Saudi Arabia's Chairmanship, G20 Member States' Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors Hold Extraordinary Meeting 3 Riyadh

الجمعة 1442/3/27 هـ الموافق 2020/11/13 م واس

Comparability of Treatment with Other Creditors

A debtor country that signs a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with participating creditors will be required to seek from all its other official bilateral creditors and private creditors a treatment at least as favorable as the one agreed in the MoU.

Debtor countries will be required to provide regularly to signatories of the MoU updates on the progress of their negotiations with their other creditors, including through face-to-face meetings if needed.

Assessment of comparable efforts will be based on changes in nominal debt