The rise of Islamic mindfulness apps: Sakeenah raising $125,000 on crowdfunder Eureeca to fund growth

The rise of Islamic mindfulness apps: Sakeenah raising $125,000 on crowdfunder Eureeca to fund growth

Ana Elkhessassi is a full-time teacher and mother of two who lives on the East Coast of the U.S. Her busy schedule makes her forget what is important in her life as a Muslim and her connection with her Creator, she said. “I found myself very stressed out, overwhelmed, and sad at times not knowing how to cope with those emotions, feeling guilty because I was feeling that way,” she told Salaam Gateway.

Within the context of Islam, gaining awareness into your own psychological and spiritual functioning is necessary to form a meaningful relationship with Allah and following the mandates of the religion, according to the Khalil Center, a U.S.-based psychological and spiritual community wellness organisation rooted in Islamic principles.