Sibling Tells Brother Divorce ‘Is His Own Fault’ After Going Bankrupt

Sibling Tells Brother Divorce ‘Is His Own Fault’ After Going Bankrupt

A Reddit post is gaining popularity after a sibling told their brother that his divorce was "his own fault" after he supposedly "blew money" and "took out loans" as well as credit lines and even applied for bankruptcy. The post has Redditors siding with the sibling on this one based on the evidence.

The post was shared on the subreddit "Am I The A**hole," by u/ThrowRA-AITA0125, and is titled, "AITA for telling my brother that his divorce is how own fault?"

The original poster (OP) revealed their brother is going through "a very angry divorce." He's currently living with their parents as he can't afford his own place. The Redditor goes on to say, "the divorce is completely his fault."