The Saudi Investment Bank announces the deposit of the amounts from selling the shares fractions resulted from the Bank’s capital increase in the eligible shareholders accounts

The Saudi Investment Bank announces the deposit of the amounts from selling the shares fractions resulted from the Bank’s capital increase in the eligible shareholders accounts

Element List


Action Type



The Saudi Investment Bank announces the completion of the selling of the fractions of shares arising out of the Bank's capital increase, which was based on the approval of the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting, held on Tuesday 30 04 2024 Corresponding to 21/10/1445.

Fractional Shares Selling End Date

2024-05-08 Corresponding to 1445-10-29

Number of Sold Shares


Fractional Shares Sales Revenue


Average Selling Price per share


Date of Depositing Fractional Shares Sales Revenue in the Bank Accounts of Eligible Investors

2024-05-22 Corresponding to 1445-11-14

Name of /Method of Contacting the Entity in Charge of Distributing the Fractional Shares Sales Revenue

The proceeds of shares fractions sale were distributed by The Saudi Investment Bank, which shall be deposited in the bank accounts associated with the eligible shareholders’ investment accounts. In case of any issue in the deposit process, please visit the nearest branch of The Saudi Investment Bank, or contact Investor Relations: via [email protected]

The Saudi Investment Bank announces the deposit of the