Saudi Arabia will require COVID-19 immunization during most events as of August

Saudi Arabia will require COVID-19 immunization during most events as of August

COVID-19 immunization will be a requirement as of August 1, 2021, to enter any social, economic, commercial, cultural, scientific, entertainment or sporting event in Saudi Arabia, an official source at the Ministry of Interior told SPA.

Immunization will also be mandatory to enter any governmental or private establishment, whether to perform business or audit. Entering any governmental or private educational facility will also require immunization.

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The source confirmed the resumption of public transportation and the resumption of in-class teaching in educational facilities.

The Health and Education ministries will agree to define the target age groups of students.

Tawakkalna mobile application will be used to check the immunization status of citizens and residents.

The concerned authorities will issue, each within its jurisdiction, descriptive data for the mechanism for implementing the mentioned measures.

The source stressed to SPA the need for everyone to adhere to the precautionary and preventive measures and not be complacent in applying health requirements, including social distancing, wearing a muzzle, and continuously disinfecting hands, and adhering to the approved protocols.

According to the developments in the epidemiological situation, the source explained to SPA that all procedures and measures are subject to continuous evaluation by the Public Health