Kulfi, The South Asian Brand Claiming Its Space And Narrative In The Beauty Industry

Kulfi, The South Asian Brand Claiming Its Space And Narrative In The Beauty Industry

Growing up in the city of New Delhi, Priyanka Ganjoo never felt pretty. It is a common feeling amongst girls in India, where domestic magazines use European models and billboards advertise skin-bleaching products endorsed by Bollywood stars. Makeup and standards of beauty are eurocentric (“fair and lovely”) and emphasize slim figures while women like Ganjoo have darker skin tones and undertones. 

In her first job in Singapore, co-workers regularly told Ganjoo, then 22-years old, that she looked tired because of pronounced dark circles - a common trait amongst South Asians. She had never applied makeup before but now sought it out. But upon approaching a beauty counter at a shopping outlet, she was referred to an entire cornucopia of other products to conceal many of her distinctly South Asian features.

Ganjoo was also caught in a larger social dilemma: “In South Asian culture if you wear red lipstick or very dramatic or bold looks, people think you are trying to attract male attention and it's generally looked down upon.”

Creative director Badal Patel helped create the visual identity of Kulfi Beauty. The packaging is ... [+] biodegradable and recyclable.

Mehrunnisa Wani