Environment minister underscores Qatar’s commitment to reach collective agreement

  • Date: 23-May-2024
  • Source: Gulf Times
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Qatar
  • Who else needs to know?

Environment minister underscores Qatar’s commitment to reach collective agreement

HE the Minister of Environment and Climate Change (MoECC) Dr Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki al-Subaie underscored Qatar's commitment to reaching a collective agreement to counter the challenges posed by climate change; through engaging with the states and regional and international organizations.HE the Minister was addressing the inaugural session of the workshop organized by the MoECC under the title of rise to the challenge of climate change, held in collaboration with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), with the participation of a host of representatives of international commissions and organizations, along with academic researchers.He highlighted the Qatar-led efforts to curb climate change, adding that these efforts have been ongoing for more than a quarter century and culminated in the endorsement of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1996, in addition to hosting the eighteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18), which drew a massive global participation.Qatar's global efforts had major contributions in the success of the negotiations to endorse the Paris Agreement on climate change in 2015, with Qatar being the first country that signed this agreement and hosted the Doha Carbon and Energy Forum which drew international experts to set the recommendations in