3 ways digital businesses can enable the Great Reset

3 ways digital businesses can enable the Great Reset

The COVID-19 pandemic is a watershed moment for the digital transformation of business;

Updating business models for a digital-first world, led by purpose, is now an imperative for almost every company;

New and creative digital collaborations can reach and serve a more diverse set of people at unprecedented speed and scale.

COVID-19 has irrevocably changed our world. As we learn to work, learn, shop and interact through virtual means, the companies we interact with are also adapting. The pandemic is a watershed moment for the digital transformation of business. The rules for business success have changed and are ever more reliant on harnessing the power of digital models to create new value and experiences.

Among the many trends that COVID-19 has accelerated, two stand out: the call for companies to lead in addressing societal challenges is getting louder, and the marketplace is indicating that companies must adopt digital business models at their core to survive and compete. In May 2020, a Fortune survey found that roughly half of chief executive officers believe the crisis will accelerate their move towards stakeholder capitalism.Seventy-seven percent say it will force their companies to speed up their digital transformations.

Digital transformation is not a new