Embrace Customer Complaints To Up Your Customer Experience to Excellent

Embrace Customer Complaints To Up Your Customer Experience to Excellent

"Embrace customer complaints" is probably a cringe-worthy idea to some of you. The thought of negative feedback may trigger something inside of you that frankly, makes you want to crumble up all the papers on your desk or just throw your laptop against the wall. Wait, please, help is on the way.  

At my company, we LOVE to get negative feedback. It's rare and candidly, if there was a lot, maybe my team wouldn't embrace it as much. My company is able to do well even though we don't have a gold standard service method like The Ritz-Carlton hotel or follow ten core values like Zappos. How does my company earn such a high Net Promoter Score (NPS). Simple, we turn customer complaints into opportunities to improve customer experience.

If you would like to do the same, here's how our company gathers and uses feedback to improve customer experience and strengthen customer loyalty.

Gather Data.

In order to improve customer experience, your company needs to gather data. One way is to send an anonymous survey. You could create your own web form. My company likes to use the Net Promoter Score or NPS survey style.

The Net Promoter Score survey