6 Effective Ways to Achieve Your Savings Goal – Egypt Today

  • Date: 27-Dec-2023
  • Source: Egypt Today
  • Sector:Agriculture
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

6 Effective Ways to Achieve Your Savings Goal – Egypt Today

Let us face it, we all want to save money somehow, but as much as we do, it is easier said than done. Although each person has their own reason to save money, everyone is always stuck at first with the same recurring question: how to actually start?


In this article, we will give you a couple of effective ways to have some extra cash by the end of the month.


1. Start recording your expenses 

First things first, you should always figure out where your money goes and how much you spend on certain things, whether they are part of your essentials or leisure. Record your expenses in your notes app or your journal.


2. Consider meal-prepping

Spending money on lunch every day will definitely backfire at the end of the month. Start meal-prepping at the beginning of each week to make sure you have enough food stored for the whole week. So instead of spending weekly on lunch, you will only do that on the weekends.


3. Coupons and discounts

We know you are probably online shopping most of the time, so try to limit some of these expenses by buying on sales, or with coupons and promo codes that will save you a couple