FAO official: Jordan managed to response to food-related risks

  • Date: 10-Aug-2022
  • Source: Ammon News
  • Sector:Agriculture
  • Country:Jordan
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FAO official: Jordan managed to response to food-related risks

Ammon News - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for the Near East and North Africa, AbdulHakim Elwaer, on Wednesday warned that the acute food insecurity is likely to deteriorate further due to the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Elwaer said that the Russia-Ukraine war is having an outsized impact on the global supply chain, causing currency fluctuations, fueling cost increases, impeding the flow of goods, and creating food shortages around the world, Petra reported.

"Many western countries are adopting austerity measures in a proactive step to avert the global food security crisis, mainly as a response to the increase of food prices imposed by the corona pandemic, the Russian-Ukrainian war, and the global economic recession," he added.

At the same time, he further said, the rise in food prices may have a positive impact on the food security equation when it comes to food wastage, indicating that when food becomes of great value, individuals do not overuse it, as reported by Petra.

As for the situation in the Arab world, the FAO official noted that the Arab region consists of mainly arid, semi-arid, and dry areas, with limited water resources and arable lands, not to mention the climate