60 young Saudi women join fishery training for first time

60 young Saudi women join fishery training for first time

Saudi Gazette report RIYADH — Musa Al-Kinani, deputy CEO of the Saudi National Fisheries Development Program, said that 60 young Saudi women have been enrolled into a project to train and qualify them for the fishery profession for the first time in Saudi Arabia, Al-Arabiya reported. They will be trained in the sales and marketing of fish products by experts and specialists in the field, he said. Al-Kinani said that the selected Saudi women will be trained in the ‘Solutions’ track, which specializes in sales and marketing of fish products, at the hands of experts and specialists in the field for the first time. “The initiative aims to train and qualify young Saudis for the fishery profession, and that the ministry has many strategic plans, which contribute to creating job opportunities for young men and women in a number of technical and craft sectors. He said that there are four initiatives to localize a number of professions and rehabilitate young men and women, including the profession of beekeepers, fishing, in addition to livestock breeding and agriculture. Regarding the fishery profession, Al-Kinani said that the profession was divided into four main sectors, three outside the sea -transportation and distribution; sales and