‎Minister of Environment says food supplies in Saudi Arabia at safe levels

‎Minister of Environment says food supplies in Saudi Arabia at safe levels

Abdulrahman Al Fadley, Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture, and Chairman of Saudi Grains Organization (SAGO), said food supplies and stocks in the Kingdom are stable, and there are no concerns about their abundance in the local market due to the current Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

In a statement, Al Fadley indicated that the Kingdom boosted its food stocks to maintain the local supply, as per its food security strategy and the committees formed to oversee its implementation.

The supply chains of agricultural, animal and food commodities are safe and reliable, in light of the volume of local production of several basic commodities and the achievement of high sufficiency rates for many of them, the minister said.

He added that this is also attributed to the multiple import locations globally. “Thus, we rule out any scarcity in supply as a result of the crisis.”

The Food Abundance Committee, emanating from the Food Security Committee, is meeting regularly during this period to monitor the abundance of food commodities in the local market and follow up on global and local supply chains.

As regards the local stocks of basic food commodities such as wheat, rice, sugar, edible oils, and poultry meat, Al Fadley said they are all at safe