Official highlights global acclamation of Saudi coffee at Jazan event

Official highlights global acclamation of Saudi coffee at Jazan event

Saudi Gazette reportJAZAN — Vice Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture Eng. Mansour Al-Mushaiti emphasized the remarkable enhancement in the quality of Saudi coffee over the past decade.During the International Saudi Coffee Exhibition 2024 in Jazan, he noted that Saudi coffee, once a local specialty, has now gained international acclaim, earning the distinction as one of the world's finest coffees.Eng. Al-Mushaiti explained that the exhibition, along with various associated events like farmer training courses, workshops, and culturally enriched meetings, plays a crucial role in supporting coffee farmers and enthusiasts in Saudi Arabia's southwestern regions in achieving their goals.He provided an update on the coffee farming sector, stating that there are 2,185 coffee farms in the southwest, with around 391,160 seedlings planted. Furthermore, approximately 1,109 beneficiaries in the Jazan region have seen about 219,160 seedlings planted on their farms, illustrating the growing interest and investment in coffee cultivation.The Vice Minister also highlighted the substantial support extended to the coffee sector through the Sustainable Rural Agricultural Development Program 'Rural Saudi Arabia,' with more than SR155 million in aid reaching 3,052 beneficiaries by the end of December 2023.Additionally, Eng. Al-Mushaiti mentioned the collaboration with the private sector to foster growth, noting that the