Riyadh to Host InFlavour with Participation of the Most Famous International Chefs in October The official Saudi Press Agency

Riyadh to Host InFlavour with Participation of the Most Famous International Chefs in October The official Saudi Press Agency

Riyadh, April 12, 2023, SPA -- Saudi Arabia will host InFlavour, the new global food and hospitality mega-event. InFlavour promises a Michelin-star-studded menu featuring celebrity chefs, product and industry trendsetters, and culinary pioneers. The Ministry of Environment, Water & Agriculture (MEWA) and Tahaluf, the entity behind the LEAP technology exhibition, will curate this event. InFlavour will take place in Riyadh on October 29-31.

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Environment, Water & Agriculture, Mr. Saleh Bindakhil, explained that Saudi Arabia has the biggest food and beverage market in the area and is fast-tracking its ambitions to become the most important market for food trade and hospitality globally. He also confirmed that InFlavour will boost Saudi Arabia's food imports and exports, and fast-track new standards in product sourcing options to elevate the hospitality and consumer spheres.

According to Mr. Bindakhil, the food industry in Saudi Arabia is experiencing explosive growth due to significant investments in hotels and resorts, an influx of food and beverage entrepreneurs, and a willingness to develop and adopt the technology. All these factors will completely change the food service experience in Saudi Arabia. InFlavour is the epicentre and driving force behind