Saudi Arabia, Oman sign MoU on food and water security

Saudi Arabia, Oman sign MoU on food and water security

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia on Thursday signed a memorandum of understanding with Oman to build full partnership and integrative relations between the two countries on food and water security strategic objectives. The deal was signed by Saudi Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Abdulrahman Al-Fadhli and Omani Minister of Agricultural Wealth, Fisheries and Water Resources Saud bin Hamoud Al-Habsi. It aims to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the field of integrated water management systems and related mechanisms of legislation, institutional framework and operations, in addition to launching initiatives and projects in fields related to food and water security. The fields of cooperation include discussing climate change and its impact on water resources, avoiding its negative effects, supporting ground and surface water management, and exchanging knowledge, expertise, information and studies related to food and water security. It also includes developing human resources capabilities in food and water security in order to boost the functional skills of employees and technicians.