TikTok boosts Kraft Foods’ sales in Saudi Arabia

TikTok boosts Kraft Foods’ sales in Saudi Arabia


TikTok continues to drive effective business impact for brands, and Kraft Foods has tapped into the platform’s potential in Saudi Arabia. 

A Marketing Mix Model (MMM) analysis conducted by Nielsen, shows the social media platform’s ability to deliver a strong return on ad spend (ROAS), showcasing the potential of TikTok’s creator-centric content and community, while creating a new model for other brands to adopt a marketing strategy that yields incremental sales.

Kraft’s use of MMM, a measurement solution leveraging historical data, reflects a strategic approach to examining the sales effectiveness of marketing activities.

The aim is to fine-tune advertising tactics and optimise delivery mediums based on insightful analysis. Kraft’s exploration of TikTok’s potential has been examined through a period spanning from May 9, 2021, to April 30, 2023.

The latest MMM analysis shows TikTok’s significant impact on Kraft’s performance: delivering an impressive 1.8x higher return on investment compared to Nielsen’s digital regional benchmark.

The analysis not only provides Kraft with valuable insights on optimising TikTok strategies but also emphasised the importance of maintaining a consistent presence on the platform.

TikTok facilitates targeted opportunities for brands to create impactful moments of discovery, awareness, and engagement.

Beyond specific metrics, the platform’s environment offers a unique