Work starts on laying of 1,350 km of water pipes in Riyadh

Work starts on laying of 1,350 km of water pipes in Riyadh

Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, has begun laying out 1,350 km of water pipes across the capital city as part of the 'Green Riyadh' programme, reported SPA. This comes as part of its efforts to carry 1.7 million cu m of treated water daily to irrigate 7.5 million trees in the city. The aim is to achieve sustainable green spaces for the Green Riyadh projects and other development projects in the city, stated the report. The diameter of the primary pipes ranges from 1.2 to 2.4 m; secondary networks reach all Riyadh neighbourhoods. Latest technologies and practices are being implemented to speed up work in the busy capital without affecting traffic in the city. Among those being adopted is control and monitoring of the water networks remotely. A technical team comprising experts from government entities and the private sector has been set up to help expand work co-ordination and overcome obstacles and address issues related to the installation of water networks for irrigation, stated the report. The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, the Saudi Irrigation Organization, and the National Water Company will help share programmes and plans among the authorities concerned with public utilities. One of