Boosting Food Security: Maalexi Partners with ECI for SMEs’ Growth

  • Date: 26-Apr-2024
  • Source: SME10X
  • Sector:Agriculture
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Boosting Food Security: Maalexi Partners with ECI for SMEs’ Growth

So, there's this platform called Maalexi based in the UAE. They're all about managing risks for small and medium-sized agri-businesses. And recently, they've teamed up with Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI), which is like the go-to place for credit insurance in the UAE, especially for exporting.Now, what's cool about this partnership is that Maalexi is going to tap into ECI's bag of tricks when it comes to trade credit solutions. Basically, they're going to use ECI's tools to make it easier for small agri-businesses to compete in both local and global markets. How? By lowering the barriers that usually get in the way, especially when it comes to getting paid on time and dealing with all the nitty-gritty stuff involved in trading.This collaboration is a big deal because it's not just about making things easier for businesses. It's also about boosting food security in the UAE. See, Maalexi is all about helping SMEs get involved in trading food products across borders. And with ECI's help, they can do it better and safer.They're going to focus on tackling the risk that comes with getting paid by small buyers and importers. Especially in those smaller transactions that might slip under the radar. By