Figs in UAE desert: Watch how this farm produces fruit year round

  • Date: 30-Aug-2023
  • Source: Khaleej Times
  • Sector:Agriculture
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Figs in UAE desert: Watch how this farm produces fruit year round

The country's hot, arid climate presents an issue, as the crop typically grows in more temperate conditions

Published: Wed 30 Aug 2023, 6:00 AM Last updated: Wed 30 Aug 2023, 7:52 AM

Every morning, over 15 kilograms of ripe figs are hanging on branches, waiting to be harvested at Al Kharran farms in Ras Al Khaimah. Abdul Latif, the caretaker of the farm, picks up some baskets and enters the greenhouse to pluck the ripened figs before they fall to the ground.

He has turned the fig farm into a resounding success with his techniques.

“I harvest about 10 to 25 kilograms, and on average 15 kilograms a day. I have to pluck them before it falls on the ground,” said Abdul Latif, adding that there are over 500 figs plants ranging from 3 feet in height to 7 feet.

Apart from collecting the ripe figs, Abdul Latif has many other tasks scheduled within the greenhouse. “After collection, I clean the entire facility, which is divided into three sections. I water the plants and learn about new breeding techniques. Different types of figs are grown in the facility,” said Abdul Latif, who has been in agriculture for ages.

“The UAE's arid and hot climate presents a