UAE: Savour treats from homegrown food outlets at Al Marmoom film festival in Dubai

  • Date: 09-Dec-2022
  • Source: Gulf News
  • Sector:Agriculture
  • Country:UAE
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UAE: Savour treats from homegrown food outlets at Al Marmoom film festival in Dubai

Dubai: As many as 14 of Dubai’s popular homegrown food outlets and cafes are serving their best-selling dishes, desserts and coffee blends at ‘Al Marmoom: Film in the Desert’ festival, which opened on Friday at Al Marmoom Desert Conservation Reserve, and will run until Sunday, December 11. Brand Dubai, the creative arm of the Government of Dubai Media Office (GDMO), has partnered with the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture), to showcase the unique culinary concepts of homegrown businesses from the ‘Proudly from Dubai’ network. Participating outlets are Grain, Must, Barakat, WrkBay, Saddle, Ducaf, Oath Café, Mirzam, She Burger, To the Moon and Back, Chai & Co, Mini BBQ, G.O.A.T Burger, and Triples. Fatma Almulla, City Branding Executive at Brand Dubai, said: “Brand Dubai is pleased to partner with Dubai Culture to offer local F&B businesses from its ‘Proudly from Dubai’ network an opportunity to showcase their unique products and culinary creations at this unique Festival that celebrates homegrown and regional creative talent.” She added: “Through this partnership, we seek to raise the visibility of promising homegrown businesses and support their entrepreneurial journey and growth. This partnership also represents the first participation of members of the ‘Proudly from Dubai’