Andrew Yang on Universal Basic Income, Cryptocurrency, Coronavirus

Andrew Yang on Universal Basic Income, Cryptocurrency, Coronavirus

I'm in Des Moines with Andrew Yang presidential. you're doing in terms of getting buying power into the hands of. And so the Fed primarily is controlling interest rates which is. increase in buying power that the Federal Reserve in its. inconsistent with putting money into people's hands at all.. People love the idea and polls show it. food stamps and then get an extra thousand dollars a month.. people that might have to make a choice are people who are. 30 minute discussion about health care and I think a lot of. people be able to keep private insurance under an Andrew gang. linked to your job because right now linking it to your job is. demonstrate that we can do a more effective job than private. Well the flavored vaping products seem to be. marketed towards young people and kids in particular.. products marketed to kids and how to ensure that they're not. literally causing deaths among young people.. be able to enjoy flavored vaping products their dual pods and so. campaign has obviously attracted very sort of what wide unusual. There is a lot of people who are like really big cryptocurrency. underlying technology of crypto currencies