Aramco chief sees demand for oil staying above 100m barrels

Aramco chief sees demand for oil staying above 100m barrels

DAVOS: Aramco CEO Amin Nasser said he expected global oil demand to stay above the 100 million barrels threshold as the rise of the global middle class spurred demand for energy.. A panel on the global energy outlook at the World Economic Forum in Davos heard that renewable energy alone would not be able to meet rising demand for power as more people moved into the middle class.. The panel heard that coal, not oil, remained the biggest source of carbon emissions but that the location of many coal-fired power plants in developing Asian economies meant that reducing its impact was a major challenge.. "The number one source of emissions by far is the coal fire power plants - they alone are responsible for one third of emissions," said International Energy Agency Executive Director Fatih Birol.. DUBAI: The growing use of technology in the healthcare industry will continue to expand but should not take over from the primary care provided by doctors and nurses, a panel of health experts said in a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum on Thursday.. The panel addressed the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in the medical field, agreeing that all