DealBook: Was Instagram the Steal of the Century?

DealBook: Was Instagram the Steal of the Century?

The work was so rushed that the company didn't even have time for Apple to approve the app.. "Precinct leaders failed to access the app or reported being locked out as they sought to punch in numbers to report them to state party officials," the WaPo reports .. Short-sellers - investors who have borrowed Tesla shares and sold them, betting that the stock will fall when they buy back shares to cover their bets - are suffering as the stock rises.. More: Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund sold nearly all of its shares in Tesla in the fourth quarter - before the company's stock began its current run.. Analysts and business executives have worried that the current coronavirus outbreak could affect global supply chains.. Supply chains are finely tuned to deliver parts just as they are needed, so companies don't need to waste money on big warehouses.". When the German lender began a business relationship with Donald Trump, it took on a borrower whom few on Wall Street were willing to work with.. Executives told me that the bank has, or at one point had, portions of Trump's personal federal income tax returns going back to around