Emirates Mars Mission is UAE’s contribution to world

  • Date: 20-Jul-2020
  • Source: Emirates Business
  • Sector:Defense
  • Country:UAE
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Emirates Mars Mission is UAE’s contribution to world

Admin 7 hours ago Local News


Emirates Mars Mission, Hope Probe, is the UAE's contribution to the entire world, a top United Nations official told Emirates News Agency (WAM). "The UAE is always looking forward to the future; it is our wonderful partner. The important part is that they are not doing this [Hope Probe] for themselves but for the region and the entire world,“ said Simonetta Di Pippo, Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). "I am excited about the Hope Probe. This shows that the UAE is becoming really a main player in the space arena,“ she added in a skype interview from Vienna. The Hope Probe is scheduled to lift off at 01:58 UAE time on July 20 from the Tanegashima Space Centre in Japan. "It is very interesting that a country that did not have a space programme or a space agency until a just a few years ago, is now able to launch a probe to Mars,“ Di Pippo noted. The UAE became a member of the UN Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) in 2015. "Still in a few years, they have been able to develop