Data protection is no more a choice,’ says expert

  • Date: 03-Mar-2021
  • Source: Bizbahrain
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:Bahrain
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Data protection is no more a choice,’ says expert

Data protection and privacy is no more a choice, it's mandatory for software firms for their survival, says Mr. Hyther Nizam, President - MEA at Zoho Corp, global technology provider of the most extensive suite of business solutions that cater to over 60 million customers in the world including Bahrain.

"As the everyday interactions of software firms with digital services increase, today's customers are apprehensive about what information they are putting out on the web about themselves, who has access to the data, and how the concerned party handles it,“ he added.

According to Mr. Nizam, this will also drive software vendors to rethink their revenue models, especially those who rely on running third-party ads within their services for their business continuity. "Organisations that keep pace with this changing public mood and build a privacy programme that's aligned with their daily operations, corporate policies, goals, and vision will be better equipped to maintain customer trust and loyalty in the coming years.“

"As more customers become increasingly aware about their data protection and privacy rights, they will prefer to trust businesses that not only showcase adequate protective measures to keep the former's data safe from malicious parties, but also do not resell