COVID-Tech: Economic Technological Transformations In The Post-Coronavirus Era

  • Date: 21-Apr-2020
  • Source: The UAE News
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:GCC
  • Who else needs to know?

COVID-Tech: Economic Technological Transformations In The Post-Coronavirus Era

COVID-19 is speeding up digital transformation for industries, companies, and individuals.. 1. How consumer usage habits are changing to embrace e-commerce, digital communication, e-learning, and online entertainment.. 2. How a faster transformation in industries will create new business opportunities, including in food delivery, location services, and Fintech.. I will talk about various aspects of new technology that have touched our lives as laymen who do not play with tech for a living.. Whatever the industry updates might be, it is without a doubt that you and I will inevitably be heavily reliant on digital communications in our new normal.. App Annie's State of Mobile Report 2020 claimed that in 2019, $89 billion was spent on mobile gaming, which represents 72% of all App Store spend last year.. Mobile gaming was the largest sector in the overall gaming industry based on revenues.. I believe that the growth of the online delivery market will also drive more investments in developing the infrastructure for more accurate location mapping services to improve delivery times.. AI healthcare systems are expected to generate revenues of about $6.7 billion per year, as reported by Statista.. There is no doubt that growth in the digital payments sector is