4-year-old Pakistani girl becomes youngest Microsoft professional

  • Date: 24-Apr-2021
  • Source: Gulf Today
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Gulf
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4-year-old Pakistani girl becomes youngest Microsoft professional

Goverment of Pakistan shares a picture of Arish Fatima.

Gulf Today Report

Arish Fatima, a 4-year-old prodigy from Karachi, made history by becoming the youngest Microsoft professional.

At the age of four, Arish Fatima has set a unique example by scoring 831 marks in the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) exam, the Government of Pakistan announced via Twitter on Friday.

The minimum score for passing the MCP exam is 700 while Arish broke the world record to achieve great success and made Pakistan proud around the world, the Geo TV reported.

Arish's father, Osama who also accomplished the milestone at a very young age, said that while working from home during the coronavirus lockdown, he saw his daughter's interest in IT and helped her in this test.

Osama is also an IT expert and sees his daughter doing wonders in this field.

Arish's parents say that their daughter is "extremely capable and has extraordinary abilities."