Manchin says Dems should take GOP deal on Fed nominees, dampening Raskin’s hopes

  • Date: 11-Mar-2022
  • Source: CNBC
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Gulf
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Manchin says Dems should take GOP deal on Fed nominees, dampening Raskin’s hopes

West Virginia Joe Manchin, the most conservative Democrat in the Senate, is complicating President plan to get a former federal regulator and climate policy advocate on to the Federal Reserve board. Senate Republicans are holding up a slate of five Fed nominees the White House has asked to clear altogether over Sarah Bloom Raskin's nomination. For weeks, Republicans have said they need more time to question Raskin, a former Fed governor and deputy Treasury secretary. But they have offered to immediately clear the other four. Now, after a weekslong standoff, Manchin is saying his party should consider the Republican offer, enough to make Democrats nervous in a an evenly split chamber where they can't afford to lose one vote. "If they're willing to move four out of five? Take it and run with it. It's a win," Sen. said "I'll take a win any time I get it." His comments, first reported by Politico and confirmed by CNBC, agitate an ongoing political battle led by Senate Banking Committee Chairman , D-Ohio, and his Republican counterpart, Sen. of Pennsylvania. The two have clashed since early February over Biden's choice of Raskin to serve as the Fed's vice chair for supervision, one