Newark’s Most Valuable Import And Export No Longer Sail; They Fly

  • Date: 13-Aug-2021
  • Source: Forbes
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Gulf
  • Who else needs to know?

Newark’s Most Valuable Import And Export No Longer Sail; They Fly

The largest medicine category, for those in individual doses, now ranks first at the combined "port" ... [+] of Newark — the Elizabeth City Marine Terminal and Liberty International Airport — ahead of the longtime dominant imports, passenger vehicles and gasoline and other petroleum gases. Those two had ranked first and second for at least 18 years into Newark — until 2020, when the primary category of medicines, those in dosage form, became more important than either that car or the gas to run it. And guess what? Those medicines are not coming in to the Port of Newark's Elizabeth Marine Terminal. They are flying in to Newark's Liberty International. That said, by value, and certainly by tonnage, the trade moving through Newark is largely on a ship, rather than a plane. The bottom line is that the value of trade moving through Newark will set a record this year, based on my analysis of the most current U. S. Census Bureau data. Actually, two records, sort of. The Port of Newark will set a record as will Newark's Liberty International. As Census does in some but not most markets around the nation, it combines the two under one "port"