Wonking Out: Is Stagflation Making a Comeback?

  • Date: 21-May-2022
  • Source: Asharq AL-awsat
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Gulf
  • Who else needs to know?

Wonking Out: Is Stagflation Making a Comeback?

International and Arab News

When I talk to business groups these days, the most commonly asked question is, “Are we headed for stagflation?” I’m pretty sure they find my response unsatisfying, because I tell them it depends on their definition of the term.

If they understand it to mean a period of rising unemployment combined with inflation that’s still too high, the answer is that there’s a very good chance that we’ll suffer from that malady for at least a few months. But if they’re referring to something like the extreme pain we suffered to close out the 1970s, it looks unlikely.

To explain the difference, consider two historical episodes.

First, look at 1979 to ’80, which illustrates what I suspect most people have in mind when they talk about stagflation. At the beginning of 1979 the United States already had 9 percent annual inflation; the surge in oil prices after the Iranian revolution sent inflation well into double digits. The Federal Reserve, under Paul Volcker, responded with drastically tighter monetary policy, leading to a recession and a sharp rise in unemployment.

The recession brought inflation down but not enough, so the Fed tightened the screws further, sending the economy into a double dip (not