Bloomberg Wealth: Should You Move Countries During the Pandemic?

Bloomberg Wealth: Should You Move Countries During the Pandemic?

Maybe it's all the working from home. Or the changing weather. Or the fact that you've been watching more episodes of "Emily in Paris“ than you'd care to admit.Whatever it is, this year may have got you thinking about becoming an expat. Who could blame you? Remote workers around the world have been crossing borders in droves. Rich Americans including Eric Schmidt, Alphabet Inc.'s former chief executive, have been applying for second passports in countries like Cyprus. But hold on a minute before you pack that laptop. As we report this week, some expat hubs are making life more difficult for the skilled foreigners they once courted. It's happening for a variety of reasons. The pandemic, of course. But some pent-up nationalism and local economic hardship have led to changes in places ranging from Kuwait to Singapore to the U.S., where President Donald Trump has made it harder for foreign workers to get visas.The