‘Know your legal rights’ – COVID-19 in Kuwait – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

  • Date: 19-Apr-2020
  • Source: Arab Times
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Kuwait
  • Who else needs to know?

‘Know your legal rights’ – COVID-19 in Kuwait – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

The American Business Council Kuwait- AmCham Kuwait, in collaboration with Dar Almizan Legal Consultants (DMLC), organized a virtual webinar titled: Know Your Legal Rights, COVID-19 in Kuwait, on Monday, April 13.. Over 150 people tuned into the seminar which covered a variety of topics such as Force Majeure and Emergency Situation, Kuwait Labor Law, and Commercial and Residential Lease Agreements.. In her opening remarks, Saab greeted all attendees and then proceeded to introduce the topic of Force Majeure and explain if the current partial shutdown can be classified as force majeure as opposed to an emergency situation.. Adding onto that, Saab discussed in depth different articles of Kuwait Labor Law and how they apply to the current situation due to COVID-19 and highlighted the rights and obligations of employers and employees during this period. ". Saab then moved on to discuss the Commercial and Residential Lease Agreements, specifically Decree No.35 of 1978 regarding Lease of Real Estate.. "While a landlord does have the right to evict a tenant for non-payment after serving them an official notice, they do not have the right to cut off electricity and water.. Since 1985, the American Business Council of Kuwait Ltd (ABCK) has acted