Lebanon: Berri Says Mikat’s Govt Has 45 Days to Either Succeed or Fail

  • Date: 11-Oct-2021
  • Source: Asharq AL-awsat
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

Lebanon: Berri Says Mikat’s Govt Has 45 Days to Either Succeed or Fail

The Lebanese army provided a stockpile of fuel to electricity plants, enough for three days.

Lebanon’s Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri gave a month and a half ultimatum for newly formed government of PM Najib Mikati to either succeed or fail in its mission, stressing that the term of the current parliament will not be extended.

In remarks he made to Asharq Al-Awsat, Berri said he urged Mikati to expedite the government's work, which he believes has an opportunity that does not extend beyond “one month and a half.”

With the beginning of December, “the Parliament becomes almost paralyzed; first, because of the holidays, and secondly, because of the approaching election date, and the focus of representatives on their electoral campaigns,” said Berri.

“During this period of time, the government must conclude the discussion with the International Monetary Fund, or at least take practical steps in this direction, and must solve the electricity problem,” otherwise it fails, Berri added.

He criticized the efforts of some to focus on administrative, diplomatic and security appointments, describing it as a “distraction.”

“It is not a basic demand,” he said, “but providing electricity for the people is. It caused them a lot of problems and suffering. It is not the