PepsiCo and Lebanese Red Cross enter two-year partnership to expand access to relief systems in Lebanon

  • Date: 13-Sep-2021
  • Source: National News Agency - Lebanon
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

PepsiCo and Lebanese Red Cross enter two-year partnership to expand access to relief systems in Lebanon

NNA - PepsiCo and the Lebanese Red Cross (“LRC”) have announced a two-year partnership to ensure provision of medical services to communities impacted by ongoing crises in the country. The announcement comes just one year after a deadly explosion devastated Beirut, and amidst an ongoing economic downturn and global pandemic.

For the first year of the partnership, The PepsiCo Foundation has committed USD 250,000, which will enable LRC to sustain their existing health and relief operations and ensure aid goes to those in need.