BlackRock sees Saudi Arabia as ‘attractive investment’ amid coronavirus fears – Saudi Gazette

BlackRock sees Saudi Arabia as ‘attractive investment’ amid coronavirus fears – Saudi Gazette

Terrence Keeley, global head official institutions group at BlackRock, is seen during a webinar entitled "Saudi Arabia: A Sustainable Investment Ecosystem on Tuesday night.. The Kingdom retains many attractive investment opportunities including investment in infrastructure, Terrence Keeley, global head official institutions group at BlackRock, said during a webinar entitled "Saudi Arabia: A Sustainable Investment. The factors provide assurances for the Kingdom's financial position to support its credit rating and reduce the cost of financing in the domestic and international markets.. Ibrahim AlSuwail, Deputy Minister, investment services & attraction at the Ministry of Investment stated that the COVID-19 Response Center has provided 24/7 support to over 7,000 organizations in the Kingdom to ensure business continuity during these unprecedented times and help them tackle the current business challenges.. AlSuwail indicated that all employees of the Ministry of Investment whilst working remotely, fully served investors, with continuous and direct coordination with all sectors and government authorities to quickly address the challenges facing investors..