KSA Business: King Khalid International Airport traffic back to pre-Covid levels – Gulf Digital News

  • Date: 01-May-2022
  • Source: Gulf Digital News
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Saudi Arabia
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KSA Business: King Khalid International Airport traffic back to pre-Covid levels – Gulf Digital News

The passenger traffic at King Khalid International Airport (KKIA) in Saudi capital Riyadh has entirely rebounded to its pre-Covid levels with the commercial revenue figures in March topping those recorded in 2019, according to Riyadh Airports Company, the organisation responsible for the management and operation of KKIA.

Specifically, duty-free sales at the KKIA climbed substantially for the month with a growth rate of 62% compared to March 2019 (and a growth of 243% compared to March 2021), it stated.

Overall, this year’s March was the most successful month of duty-free sales ever recorded by KKIA, and the month contained the new highest and second highest sales days recorded so far, it added.

Other categories also performed strongly with F&B up 12%, Retail and Services 14% and car parking up by 29% March 2022, all compared to March 2019.

On the solid growth, Riyadh Airports Company CEO Engineer Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Maghlouth said: "I am delighted with the robust performance and full recovery at KKIA. This illustrates the underlying growth which we will continue to build progressively, as we work toward KSA’s Aviation Strategy and Vision 2030."

Adding to this, VP Operations Ayman Aboabah said: "The strength of passenger recovery in March is an excellent