Saudi’s TRSDC appoints Gartner for tech procurement advisory services – MEP MiddleEast

Saudi’s TRSDC appoints Gartner for tech procurement advisory services – MEP MiddleEast

The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC) — the developer of the kingdom's 28,000km2 The Red Sea Project — has awarded a contract to advisory firm Gartner for the provision of  technology procurement advisory services. 

Gartner will support TRSDC with sourcing technology partners across three main areas: smart destination development, IT and cybersecurity. The company will provide insights and advice on licensing, technology customisation, service scoping and pricing to serve the ambitious needs of TRSDC and The Red Sea Project.

The advisory firm will be vital in providing technology insights that will help TRSDC achieve its ambition to create a bespoke experience for guests ahead of the destination's opening in 2022. Intelligent resort management processes will keep track of visitor flows to ensure guests can enjoy their experience free of airport delays and over-crowding at the resort itself – factors which now have even more importance in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Work is already underway to develop an extensive smart destination platform that will monitor, simulate, and forecast the environmental impact of the destination's operations, in keeping with TRSDC's commitment to protect and enhance the environment.

As part of the contract, Gartner's network of over 2,250 research analysts and consultants are already providing