11 restaurants in the city that are putting the environment first with sustainable practises and eco-friendly methods

  • Date: 28-May-2022
  • Source: Zawya
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

11 restaurants in the city that are putting the environment first with sustainable practises and eco-friendly methods

From local sourcing to responsibly recycling food waste and materials, here’s how some of Dubai’s restaurants and eateries are tackling the sustainability conversation in the Emirate:


In addition to sourcing ingredients locally and supporting local farmers and fishermen, this modern European restaurant has stepped up their efforts to reduce waste even further with the help of their very own Waste Officer where kitchen operations are constantly audited and refuse single use plastic from suppliers and to customers, as well as operate a demand-driven inventory. BOCA has also hosted zero-waste dinners and even written a guide dedicated to Emirati produce.

Where to find it: Gate Village 6, DIFC Near - towards DIFC Parking

Bounty Beets

Bounty Beets boasts delicious organic, gluten-free and vegan options that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The super-chic eatery with its pink hues and botanical touches promotes well through healthy eating, going green, and inspiring a positive community overall.

Where to find it: Le Meridien Mina Seyahi / Le Meridien Conference Hotel & Conference Centre


Offering an unparalleled approach to dining, Cassette do everything they can to save energy, reduce waste, and reuse. From décor that is not only inviting and practical, but is also designed with the use of