VIDEO: UAE telecom firm’s competition leads to tearful family reunions

  • Date: 12-Feb-2021
  • Source: Gulf Today
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

VIDEO: UAE telecom firm’s competition leads to tearful family reunions

A surprise reunion of five UAE residents with their loved ones tugged at heartstrings and brought happy tears, courtesy of Etisalat. At the heart of Etisalat's brand act 'Bringing your loved ones to you' is the joy and family togetherness amidst these unprecedented times. Inspired by its core belief "Together Matters," Etisalat made their dreams come true after years of separation further exacerbated by the pandemic. It all began with a competition on Facebook back in November 2020, when Etisalat asked people whom they miss the most and tag them for a chance to win the latest 5G smartphone for a loved one. Five lucky winners were invited to the studio where they would video call their loved ones. Little did they know Etisalat took it a step further by flying their loved ones to the UAE two days before the shoot. Etisalat not only helped connect them via a video call but also hatched a surprise reunion at the studio, a week-long hotel stay, and a fun and thrill-filled day out at Dubai Parks and Resorts. Covid-19 precautions and safety standards were observed the entire time. At a time when being reunited with loved ones is needed the most,