Coronavirus: companies move internships online – The National

  • Date: 28-Jun-2020
  • Source: The National
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:UAE
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Coronavirus: companies move internships online – The National

UAE students to begin virtual internships with US aerospace business

Ahsan Ahmed, director of the Centre for Innovation and Security Solutions at Lockheed Martin speaks to interns. Courtesy: Lockheed Martin International

Businesses that switched to remote working because of the coronavirus are taking their internships online.

Next week, 15 students in the UAE will receive laptops sent from US aerospace giant Lockheed Martin and log in to begin their virtual internships.

The team will work remotely under the guidance of engineers and scientists on real-world projects.

In the United States, systems that support remote internships are already in place as a lot of engineers work remotely

Ahsan Ahmed, Lockheed Martin

"We are giving interns a feel of what the workplace will be [like] in the next few years because of Covid 19," said Ahsan Ahmed, director of Lockheed's Centre for Innovation and Security Solutions.

"These interns are learning what the workplace of the future will be like."

"We were committed to ensuring the UAE's students did not lose this summer period,“ Mr Ahmed said. "We had 700 applications and selected 15 interns to participate this summer.