Ensuring Mental Well-being of Students

  • Date: 12-Jan-2024
  • Source: Gulf Insider
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:Bahrain
  • Who else needs to know?

Ensuring Mental Well-being of Students

The importance of fostering the mental well-being of students cannot be overstated. Students face pressures that extend far beyond academic expectations; they include societal demands, peer influence, the influence of technology, social media, and uncertainty of the future to name a few. These create unrealistic expectations and a constant comparison mindset among students.

Globally, around 13 per cent of young people under the age of 18 experience significant mental health challenges.

Recognising these challenges is crucial to implementing strategies that create an environment for students to flourish emotionally and academically. In the words of Dave McMaster, Founding Director of the American School of Bahrain – “Happy students are much more likely to be successful in everything they do at school.”

At the forefront of this challenge are schools and universities. Students spend the majority of their time at school, which makes the school play a pivotal role and presents it with an opportunity to address the well-being concerns and take necessary measures. To begin with, promoting effective communication is essential for addressing mental health challenges in schools. Furthermore, creating a supportive academic environment can significantly contribute to a healthier student body. Certain strategies can include mindful practices, stress management workshops, and readily available