Egypt’s gov’t dismisses reports on school, universities suspension over Covid-19 variant concerns

  • Date: 03-Dec-2021
  • Source: Egypt Today
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

Egypt’s gov’t dismisses reports on school, universities suspension over Covid-19 variant concerns

CAIRO - 1 December 2021: The Cabinet Media Center denied reports on closure of schools and universities nationwide for fear of spread of Covid-19 variant Omicron. In a statement Wednesday, the center said it contacted the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, which described such rumors as baseless, affirming that the ministry did not issue any decisions in this regard and the education process was proceeding as normal, in line with 2021/2022 academic plan. The education and higher education ministries said education facilities are operating as usual as the two ministries are following daily health reports from education institutions in coordination with related authorities, the statement said. All precautionary measures including sterilization, face masks and social distancing regulations are adopted at education facilities, it added. The center called on all media outlets and social media users to verify the authenticity of news before publishing or sharing it so as not to stir public confusion, the statement read