Opinions differ over segregating boys and girls at public schools

  • Date: 08-May-2023
  • Source: Kuwait Times
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:Kuwait
  • Who else needs to know?

Opinions differ over segregating boys and girls at public schools

By Ghadeer Ghloum

KUWAIT: The issue of boys and girls mixing at schools in Kuwait has been a controversial topic over the years. Many people have differing opinions about the effect of coeducation on the academic performance and moral behavior of students. Some support coeducation and argue that it provides an opportunity for both boys and girls to work collaboratively, which can improve academic performance. Coeducation also encourages equality and mutual respect between both sexes, which is a necessary skill in the workplace and in society as a whole.

Experiencing coeducation provides a more realistic representation of the society we live in, where both men and women work together and interact on a regular basis. On the other hand, opponents of coeducation argue that it may lead to inappropriate behavior and distract students from their studies. They argue that teenagers may become prone to distractions and hormonal impulses at this age and may find it challenging to focus on academics. Moreover, opponents argue that coeducation may lead to depraved behaviors such as sexual abuse and immorality. This can be detrimental to societal and family values, which are deeply ingrained in the Kuwaiti culture.

To further examine this issue, Kuwait Times spoke to Islamic