US envoy marks int’l education, global entrepreneurship weeks

  • Date: 18-Nov-2021
  • Source: Kuwait Times
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:Kuwait
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US envoy marks int’l education, global entrepreneurship weeks

KUWAIT: The US Embassy in Kuwait marked International Education Week with an event on Wednesday at the creative arts studio Yadawi, located in Kuwait’s historic Bayt Al-Othman Museum, to promote international education and exchanges between the United States and Kuwait. The gathering also coincided with Global Entrepreneurship Week, a week-long celebration of innovation and entrepreneurship.

US Ambassador to Kuwait Alina L Romanowski gave opening remarks at the event, which included nearly 50 Kuwaiti graduates – entrepreneurs, artists, and more – from various US universities in attendance. “As someone who did their graduate and undergraduate studies in history and international relations, I know that education and exchanges can play a transformational role in international relations because they help foster cultural understanding. At the end of the day, it’s the people-to-people ties and networks that support strong relations between our countries,” Ambassador Romanowski said.

“During my time as Ambassador in Kuwait I have met so many successful Kuwaiti men and women of all ages who graduated from US colleges and universities,” the Ambassador added. “Kuwait has a long history of sending students to the US for their studies, going as far back as seven decades.” Ambassador Romanowski highlighted the release of the 2020-21 report