Lebanon’s Education minister appeals to friendly countries for help

  • Date: 21-Sep-2021
  • Source: Ya Libnan
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

Lebanon’s Education minister appeals to friendly countries for help


In a TV interview with al Hurra , Lebanon’s new minister of Education Dr Abbas al Halabi appealed to friendly countries for help : “I appeal through Al-Hurra to friendly countries, especially Arab countries and friendly bodies, to extend a helping hand in this exceptional year to students in Lebanon. The problem of education in Lebanon today is a material one, he said . We have a transportation problem, an electricity problem, an Internet problem, books and stationery, and some even have a survival problem a ” Lunch”.

He warned that “it is not permissible for students to remain outside their schools and universities for the third year, otherwise the entire educational system in Lebanon will be subject to a total collapse.” He also called on private schools to take into consideration the economic and social situation of their students’ families.