Pandemic impacts 90 per cent of student education: Minister | Times of Oman

  • Date: 24-May-2021
  • Source: Times of Oman
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:Oman
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Pandemic impacts 90 per cent of student education: Minister | Times of Oman

Muscat: More than 90 per cent of students were affected by the pandemic worldwide in mid-April 2020, the Minister of Education said in the symposium on the Lost Learning in Light of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Dr. Madiha bint Ahmed Al Shibaniyah, Minister of Education said in the symposium that the statistics of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization indicate 94 per cent of students were affected by the pandemic worldwide in mid-April 2020, which represents 1. 58 billion children and youth, ranging from pre-school to university education." The Minister also said: "The Sultanate took quick action to respond to these epidemiological data by taking the necessary precautionary measures and dealing with the various challenges created by this crisis by promoting the digital transformation of the educational environment and adopting the application of an integrated education system to ensure the continuity of the educational learning process." The digital performance indicators showed the great efforts made by all teachers, school administrations and information technology technicians in activating educational platforms and employing them in educating our students in a manner consistent with the educational plans set, the Minister added. Her Excellency praised the teachers 'interaction with electronic educational platforms, producing educational