20 international students take part in AI Summit via knowledge exchange initiative

20 international students take part in AI Summit via knowledge exchange initiative

RIYADH — An elite group of postgraduate students have completed their participation in the Global AI Summit, which concluded in Riyadh on Thursday. Pursuing postgraduate studies in data and AI at internationally-renowned universities, the Saudi and foreign students were invited to participate in the summit, which was held under the patronage of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) at King Abdulaziz Conference Center in Riyadh from Tuesday through Thursday. The group’s participation came as part of SDAIA’s Knowledge Exchange Initiative, which hosted 20 students from the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Jordan, Algeria, South Korea, and Nigeria alongside Saudi students from Sorbonne Université in Paris, Oxford University, Durham University, Nottingham University, University of Sussex, University College London, King’s College London, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MiT). SDAIA’s initiative comes as part of its quest to recruit global AI talent and empower young men and women to lead the national efforts to achieve the targets of Vision 2030 and build an AI-powered future for the Kingdom, the region, and the world. On the first day of the summit, the guest students met and greeted their way around the hall, with several