Culture and arts will soon be incorporated into Saudi school educational curricula

Culture and arts will soon be incorporated into Saudi school educational curricula

Dubai: Saudi Arabia has announced that culture and arts will soon be incorporated into the Saudi educational curricula for all school levels, local media reported. According to Noha Qattan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture for National Partnerships, the integration of culture and arts into school and public education comes as part of a joint effort between the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education. A comprehensive plan is being developed to include these subjects in all school stages, through teacher training, curriculum development, and infrastructure improvement. The implementation of this strategy will start in the current academic year and continue until 2024. The integration of culture and arts into the educational curricula has numerous benefits for students. This addition to the curriculum not only enriches the learning experience but also helps in the overall development of students. It will boost creativity and critical thinking skills as engaging in cultural and artistic activities encourages students to think outside the box, be imaginative, and develop their creativity. It also helps them think critically and solve problems, skills that are essential in today’s rapidly changing world.